Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Chapter 27 Review

1) How long is the Great Wall of China?
Over 5,000 miles

2) Why was it built? And where does it run from and to?
It was built to keep out invaders from Mongolia. It runs from the Yellow Sea to the Gobi Desert. 

3) What are three natural barriers that have limited people's movement in East Asia?
Natural barriers are mountains, deserts, and cold climates. 

4) How large is the Gobi Desert?
It covers more than 500,000 sq miles larger than California and Texas. 

5) List two plains in Northern China.
Two plains in Northern China are the North China Plain and the Manchurian plain. 

6) Name three rivers in China.
Three rivers in China are the Yellow river, Yangtze River, and West River. 

7) Where does the Huang begin and end?
It starts in the Kunlun Mountains and empties into the Yellow River after 3,000 miles. 

8) How long is the Chang Jiang?
It is 3,900 miles. 

9) What is the southernmost of the three great river systems of China?
West River

10) What are the natural resources of China?
China has large coal, commercial fishing, gold, hydroelectric power, iron ore, lead, natural gas, petroleum, silver, tin, and tungsten. 

11) Which countries in East Asia would need to import coal or oil?
Mongolia, Taiwan, Japan, and North and South Korea. 

12) What effect might natural resources have had on the development of East Asia?
It would boost their economy and bring jobs. 

13) What is a typhoon and where does it occur?
A typhoon is a tropical storm occurring in the western Pacific. 

14) What two words best describe the climates in the higher latitudes of East Asia?
isolated, cold and dry. 

15) Where are most deserts found in East Asia?
They are found in the middle of East Asia in dry zones. 

16) Where are the tropical zones of East Asia found?
The tropical zones are on a small land strip along China's southeastern coast island of Hainan, and southern tip of Taiwan. 

17) What does typhoon mean in Chinese? What other type of storm is a typhoon most like?
It means great wind and it is most like a cyclone or hurricane. 

Monday, April 13, 2015

Main Ideas 1-10 pg 458

1. East Africa became an international trading center because of its location on the Red Sea and Indian ocean because it was easy to travel along the seas.

2. The Berlin Conference decided that European countries could claim land in Africa by showing they controlled it, this caused cultural and ethnic divisions because Europeans didn't pay any attention  enemies certain areas had. This caused many political violence, and ethnic issues in the 20th century.

3. Islam became the largest influence in North Africa by invading places and bring their culture and language and religion. Not only did they do this through conquering places, but also trading.

4.Women's roles through the years in North Africa have changed because they are no longer just staying home and raising the children. They can go out to cities and get jobs. Husbands can't have multiple wives and there's greater punishment for spousal abuse and theres equal pay and equal rights.

5. Similarities: thrived because of locations on trade routes, traded gold and salt,
Differences: Ghana was rich from taxing traders who passed through, Mali conquered Ghana and brought back salt and gold trade and promoted agriculture, Songhai replaced Mali,

6. Problems in West African economies were civil wars which set back democratic efforts, and have left places in shambles with uneducated people and few modes of transportation.

7. Bantu migrations are important to African History because they spread their culture and language throughout Africa and increased the amount of cultural diversity and linked different parts of the continent.

8. Problems facing education in central Africa are teacher shortages, high dropout rates,  language barriers and shortage of schools.

9. Natural resources affected the South African Economy because it helped them become a gold trading area, they were also great Diamond producers, and the population grew rich off this.

10. Nelson Mandela fought for black rights and became imprisoned, nations around the world pressured South Africa to end the Apartheid after his arrest.

UNIT Test Review

1) What are the five sub-regions of Africa?
East, South, West, North, and Central Africa are the five sub regions. 

2) Why is East Africa known as the cradle of humanity?
Oldest fossils of people were found there

3) What were some early civilizations of East Africa? What was their economy based on?
Kliwaa, Askum, and they were trade centers between traditional east and the west. 

4) What was the Berlin Conference? Why - particularly - did it happen?
It was the gathering of European leaders to divide Africa without causing a war. 

5) How did colonization cause conflicts in East Africa after independence?
They didn't know how to govern themselves, ethnic boundaries were broken, and disrupted traditional African government.

6) Why are Liberia and Ethiopia important?
They were the only countries who didn't get colonized and kept their independence. 

7) What are some cash crops of East Africa?
coffee, sugar, and tea

8) What is East Africa's most critical health-care problem?

9) Name two ancient empires of North Africa? 
Egypt and Carthage

10) What practices did the world acquire from Ancient Egypt?
geometry and medicine like splints, and bandages.

11) What North Africa countries have had the economies transformed by oil?
Algeria, Libya, and Tunisia. 

12) What is Rai?
A music started by urban children in North Africa and turned into a form of rebellion against the Islamic rule.

13) Discuss the changing roles of women in North Africa?
They no longer just stay home and raise the kids, there's no more arranged marriage, there can be divorces, women have equal pay and rights, and men can only have one wife. 

14) Why is Goree Island important?
It was the island where all the slave exports happened. Busiest slave trade port. Open for more than 300 years. 

15) List three trading empires of West Africa? What did the trade?
Mali, Ghana, and Songhai. They traded salt and gold.

16) What is a stateless society? How has West Africa's traditional stateless societies caused problems after colonization?
People there rely on family lineage to govern themselves and they faced problems after colonization because the Europeans wanted them to have one ruler to govern them which took power away from the families. 

17) What are some roadblocks to economic development in West Africa?
The infrastructure of colonialism because it was designed to take resources out of the colony but didn't bring anything back in return.

18) Discuss West African music.
A mix of Jazz, blues, and reggae which influenced western music

19) What is Bantu important?
they moved throughout Africa spreading their language and Culture also linked various areas of the continent. 

20) What was Sao Tome established for?
It was a slave trade post where traders waited for the europeans on the coast. 

21) Who was King Leopold II? Why was he important?
He organized the Berlin Conference and was interested in congo and wanted to open the interior of the congo river for trade. 

22) What are the lasting effects of colonialism in Central Africa?
Borders imposed brought enemy groups together and the Europeans didn't think about ethnic boundaries and disrupted old systems of government. 

23) What major problems does Central Africa have in education?
There is a lack of trained teachers, lack of secondary schools, language barriers, and high dropout rates. 

24) Who ended the apartheid in South Africa?
Nelson Mandela

25) How does modern Johannesburg reflect the problems created by the apartheid?
Theres the ghettos where black African's living, and it is broken up into sections. With the white people living in the nicer upperclass areas. So it represents what happened during it.

Friday, April 3, 2015

Chapter 19 section2

1) What form of government did ancient Egypt have?
Egypt was a monarchy that was ruled by Pharaohs.

2) What practices did the ancient world acquire from Egypt?
They came up with geometry to set farming boundaries, they had medicine and splints for broken bones, treat wounds and fevers, 

3) How did Muslims gain control of North Africa?
They got control of North Africa by invading them since they are close to Mediterranean Sea. They brought their language and their religion 

4) What countries make up North Africa?
Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Morocco, South Sudan, Sudan, Tunisia, Western Sahara

5) How has North Africa's economic base evolved?
The economy has changed based on the discovery of oil because it became the country's major export.

6) Why has the oil industry failed to benefit local workers?
Most of the oil jobs require education and training and people living in these countries don't have those. So high paying jobs go to foreign workers. 

7) How are prices set for products sold at souks?
In Souks prices are set high and then people bargain for the best deal 

8) How has rai music changed since its beginnings?
The music was carefree, that was centered around youth topics. Now it is fast paced with elements of Western music. It was used to express Algerian resentment toward the French colonizers. Now it is a form of rebellion of against Islamic fundamentalists

9) What was the traditional role for North African women?
The women stayed home to take care of the children. 

10) What gains have Tunisian women made outside the home?
They Have equal pay, professional jobs, they hold 20% of Tunisia's parliament seats and manage businesses in Tunis

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

East Africa Study questions

1) What were some early civilizations in East Africa? Why were these civilizations important?
Some early civilizations in East Africa were the Masai and the Kikuyu. They were important because they were both herders that lived on grasslands and rift valleys. The Kikuyu were also important because they fought back against the British during the Colonization of Africa. 

2) What happened at the Berlin Conference of 1884-1885?
At the Berlin Conference the European nations met to discuss the rules and guidelines to how they would split up Africa and prevent wars over the issue. 

3) What African countries managed to remain free of European control?
Ethiopia and Liberia

4) How did colonialism cause conflicts in East Africa after independence?
There were tensions left over from the colonial era and the Europeans hadn't prepared East African nations for independence. There were also cultural divisions that had existed before the colonization. 

5) How did Ethiopia manage to defeat Italy in 1896?
Ethiopia managed to defeat Italy by using weapons from France and Russia to protect the country and they had greater knowledge of the area's geography. 

6) What are some cash crops of East Africa?
Some cash crops of East Africa are coffee, tea, and sugar. 

7) What is East Africa's most critical health-care problem.
East Africa's most critical health care problem is the pandemic of HIV and AIDS

8) Research the Rwanda massacre (genocide?) and briefly discuss what happened and why.
The Rwanda Genocide was the murder of 500,000-1,000,000 of the Tutsi people by core political officials. This took out 20% of the Rwandan population. They wanted to wipe out any of their political opponents. When an airplane was shot down with the Burundian President on board, the genocide started the next day and was used as the excuse for why it started.