Sunday, October 19, 2014

Main Ideas 1-10

1. The United States is the nation of immigrants because people immigrated to America hoping for a better life and there were many jobs because of the Industrial Revolution.

2. The Louisiana Purchase changed the US because it nearly doubled the size of it.

3. The US became a superpower because of

4. The United States is a leader in agricultural production because of skilled laborers, stable political system, and available natural resources.

5. Some examples of cultural diversity in the US are the fact that many people immigrated to the US to work and have a better life. There are many different religions and ethnic traditions because of the different groups of people who immigrated.

6. Most Americans work in the service industry.

7. In the Northeast people fished and traded, but due to its location on the water it became an urbanized area that began to fuel the industrialization with coal, iron, fuel, and oil.

8. In the Northwest most cities were built around the major waterways

9. Industries in the South today are manufacturing and service.

10. California became the nations most populous state because of excellent farmland, mild climate, and the good harbors.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Chapter 6 Section 2 Questions

1) What was the second most the average American's job in the early days of the United States?

2) In what three areas is the U.S. a world leader?
In agricultural products, manufactured goods, and global trade. 

3) What percentage of the world's corn do U.S farmers supply?
40%  of the the world's corn. 

4) What is the second mostly commonly spoken language in the U.S.?

5) To what religious group do the majority of Americans belong?

6) What are some American cultural elements that have influenced the world?
Motion pictures and popular music and leisure activities like sports. 

7) Where do the majoritiyof Americans live?
In the suburbs outside of cities 

8) What is the gender breakdown of the workforce in America?
Almost half of the American workforce are women. 

9P Where are the industrial centers in the United States?
Along the Great Lakes, East Coast, and some on the Pacific coast.