Friday, November 21, 2014

Main ideas on pg 247

3a. Some important rainforest resources are the fact that it absorbs carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, regulate the climate, and shelter millions of animals and plants. It also has cedar and mahogany.

3b. Rain forest destruction is destroying animal and plant habitats, it is contributing to global warming because it can't absorb as much carbon, land is more exposed to erosion

3c. Some factors that may slow rainforest destruction are the debt-for-nature-swap, where environmental groups pay some government debt if they agree to protect portion of the rainforest. As well as finding the balance between competing interests for use of the land.

4. In the future I think that the rainforet could potentially be saved if more governments use the debt-for-nature-swap. It would be worthwhile to save the rainforest because of the benefits it brings the atmosphere, but there will also be many pressures from corporations to build. i think the rain forest will still be there but it will be much smaller and have a lot of buildings.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Vocab words


extraordinary in size

pale, faint in color


abnormal size

bring forth living young



intense enough to threaten

healthy red color

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Chapter 9 and 10 review

1)   What crop did settlers first grow in Brazil and what effect did it have on the makeup of the population? Sugar cane. It brought in many African slaves, killed off the native popilation. 

2)   How do Brazil’s rivers contribute to its wealth? People settled on the coast

3)   How large is Brazil’s economic power?

4)   What is Brazil’s religion and language? Brazil's language is Portugese and the religion is Roman Catholic.

5)   What have been some obstacles to democratic government in South America?

6)   What is South America’s greatest economic success story (other than Brazil)? Chile

7)   Who were the Inca?

8)   What major groups blended into the area of the Caribbean? Africans brought in from slave trade, Europeans, and Natives. 

9)   What are some major sources of income in the economies of Central America and the Caribbean? Tourism, exporting, coal and silver, gold, Hydroelectric power

10)                   What are some forms of music that have evolved in the region of the Caribbean? Reggae, Calypso, 

11)                   Why is the Panama Canal important?  How did it come into existence? Makes trade and transportation esier and faster. Allows for trade and exports. The US encouraged revolution and in turn Panama gave them permission to build a 10 mile wide canal. 

12)                   What is the largest city in Mexico?  In South America?  In the World? Mexico City over 20 million live there. San Paulo, largest city is tokyo

13)                   What is the most important part of Mexico’s economy today? Agriculture

14)                   How have the Andes Mountains affected settlement in South America? People had to settle along the east coast 

15)                   Why is the Amazon river important? It's a trade route, moves more water than the 7 largest rivers combined. 

16)                  What two countries does the Orinoco River drain? Venezuala and Columbia. 

17)                  What is the dominant vegetation of the Amazon river basin?
Mostly rainforest

18)                   What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of tourism to the South American community? Gives people jobs, but company owners don't live in south America so the money doesn't stay there. Land is destroyed to build more resorts. Pollution. Greater gap between rich and poor. 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Main Ideas 1-10 pg 214

1. The Andes Mountains made it so that people had to settle on the outside on the coast. They couldn't settle in the mountains.

2. The two main purposes of the grasslands and the plains was agriculture and livestock grazing.

3. The greater Antilles, the Lesser Antilles, and the Bahamas are the three major island groups of the Caribbean.

4. The Caribbean Island that is rich in natural gas are Trinidad and Tobago and attracts developers to the country.

5. The savannas are in Brazil, Columbia, and Argentina.

6. The vertical climate zones in Latin America affect climate because it gets colder the higher up you go so plants are less likely.

7. Dominant vegetation in the Amazon River Basin is tropical grasslands and dry desert shrubs.

8. Main disadvantage of the slash-and-burn method of growing crops is that after a few years the land is drained of nutrients so they move on to another area and start all over.

9. People are pulled to cities because of better education, high-paying jobs, and better medical care.

10. Tourism disadvantages are more resorts being built in previously unchanged areas, government debt from building more resorts, pollution, and a wealth gap between residents and tourists.

Thursday, November 6, 2014


1) What climate zones and vegetation exists in your country?
Chile has a mediterranean, desert, and marine west coast. Vegetation includes, forests, savannas, and desert shrubs.

2) Explain the important resources of the area. Also any river systems, mountain systems, or plains that run through your country.
Some important resources are an abundant copper supply, nitrate, and timber. It has one of the world's driest deserts. The Lola is the longest river in Chile. Chile is part of the Pacific Ring of Fire due to it being located in the seismic and volcano zone.

3) What do most people in your country do for a living?
People in Chile work in the farming, fishing, and tourism industries.

4) What is the largest city?
Santiago is the largest city, probably the reason it's the capital.

5) What is the capital city?
Santiago is the capital.

6) Map.

7) Does your country face any problems - economy (think Bolivia) or environmental (Brazil) or other?  
They might have an education problem because children on;y go until 5th grade. They are also facing environmental problems due to deforestation. There is air pollution from vehicle emissions. In Chile there is also a prevalent problem with domestic violence.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Geography Video Questions and on Latin America

1) What did you learn from the video? Do you think its fair that a corporation can own a country's water? 
In this video Bolivia was in debt so they asked the world bank for a loan. They got the loan but had to let this company in San Fran. own their water, even the water from the sky. It isn't fair that a corporation can own, it makes sense that they could technically own rain because of the way that water is cycled. But it is not okay. Water is a basic necessity of life and is available for free in some way in almost every area. 

2) Do you think the people of Bolivia had a right to react the way they did?
the people of Bolivia had a right to react that way because their water was being used and controlled by a corporation, but at the same time their government asked for the loan and this is the price they had to pay, but the people shouldn't be punished for the actions of the government.. 

3) How has geography affected settlement in Latin America?
The way that the Andes Mountains are, kept people from settling on the interior. Instead they settled along the eastern and northern coasts. 

4) Where are the Andres Mountains located?
The Andes Mountains are located along the west and south coasts of SOuth America in the interior. 

5) What are the three major river systems in South America?
The three major river systems are the Orinoco River, Amazon, and the Parana River. 

6) What river carries more water to the ocean than any other river in the world?
The Amazon river. 

7) What are the three mjor island groups in the Caribbean Islands?
The Greater Antilles, Lesser Antilles, and the Bahamas. 

8) What are Llanos?
The llanos are vast plains that are used to farm, graze livestock, and grazing.  Very similar to the Great plains. 

9) What are three types of resources found in Latin America?
Hydroelectric power, oil, gold, Timber, etc. 

10) What S. American country generates the most hydroelectric power and why?
Brazil because they have many rivers and waterways. 

11) What types of landforms are found in Latin America?
The Andes Mountains, rain forests, lowlands, highlands, 

12) What is your favorite South American country?