Monday, December 1, 2014

Describe struggle for democratic govt. in Latin America

In Latin America many regions were ruled by an oligarchy, or government by the few. It was not democratic and there was limited free speech, censored press, and punished dissent. If you weren't part of the ruling Spanish class you were discriminated against. If the government could not control the people then the military was involved. They would seize power and form a harsher government ruled by generals. Caudillo's were military dictators who started ruling. They were elected by the people but most of their support came rich people and the military. This brought Mexico closer to fully accepting democracy, but to do so they needed political, economic, and land reforms. To have a democratic government they needed it to have citizens participate in political affairs, requiring them to be educated and have an economic security. Economic problems damage developing democracies such as in Argentina. There was an inflation in the prices of goods and services. Capitalist reforms were brought into place by a new president. Another issue that democracy faced was land. All the rich people owned massive amounts of land. Land reform was set up to break up land ownership and give some to the poor. These reforms all want to create stability which is what is needed to head towards a democracy.