Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Main Ideas 1 -10 chapter 29

1. Earthquakes are caused by the shifting of Tectonic plates.

2. Japanese islands are unstable because they were formed by volcanoes as the Pacific plate slid under Eurasian plate.

3. Organizations that help with disasters are the Japanese Red Cross, firefighters, and the Asia Pacific Disaster Management Center.

4. Western nations have effected economic development in East Asia because they lent money to east asian countries if they promised to reform.

5. The connection between industrialization and globalization the industries are all interdependent on imports and exports to help each other and it spreads all over...

6. Things wrong in the economies of the region are debt, mismanagement. The economic miracle was based on sacrificing the very poor people. Companies and banks went bankrupt and since everyone's economy was connected, it spread throughout all of Asia.

7. The population growth stresses the environment because there is great demand for living space, so more trees need to be cut and cleared to have room for the large amount of people. Food production is harder to achieve for that many and the water quality is foul.

8. To manage the population there is a limit on the amount of children a couple can have, birth rates dropped, and marriage occurred at a later age

9. in the middle of the 20th century east Asia was the least developed nation in the wold.

10. By the beginning of the 21st century East Asia had

Main Ideas 1 - 10 chapter 28

1. China has influenced other countries because it is so big and powerful and was overshadowing some other places so it spread its religion, government, art and culture.

2. China can feed its large population because they large amounts of land that are used for agricultural purposes.

3. Basic beliefs of Confucianism are that in order to have well run society children must respect their elders and there must be an importance on hierarchy stressed.

4. The Mongolian economy is based on livestock and herding and a nomadic lifestyle is an activity that is at its core still, but they are developing other industries.

5. Taiwan's economy is based on manufacturing things for export. Now it is an economic tiger.

6. North Korea became communist and South Korea became democratic because the war between them split them up and the soviets took over North, while South had aid from the US and they obviously promote democracy.

7. South Korea is an economic tiger because their economy is highly competitive. They have the largest ship building industry in the world and car and steel industries making it the top trading nation.

8. In the 19th century the government started introducing it to the modern age.

9. Kyoto is important because its a monument to Japanese culture and has Buddhist temples and old building made in the original style with wood.

10. Japan gets its resources from

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

section 1 chapter 28 study questions

1) Why did Shi Huangdi build a wall in northern China?

He built it to protect from barbarian warriors and to fill in gaps from previous walls.

2) How was China governed in its early history?

China was a Dynasty in it's early history.

3) What are some achievements China made in its early history?

They made the Great Wall of China, gun powder, paper, and porcelain, and silk cloth.

4) When did Europeans begin exploration of China?

Europeans began exploring China in the 13th century.

5) How was Europe able to gain access to Chinese markets in the 19th century?
They were able to force them to sign treaties to get special privileges because their government was weak and their government.

6) Which political group has held considerable power in China for the last 50 years?
The Communist party

7) What did the Communist party want for China's economy?

They wanted to modernize the economy and encourage industry growth

8) Where does China get the resources that fuel the industrial economy?

They get them from the Northeast and is a manufacturing center

9) What item is especially popular as an export to the U.S.

Textile cloths

10) Name two important Chinese inventions?
Silk cloth and the Great Wall of China

11) What are the predominant religions of China?

Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism

12) What is China's population?
In 2010 it was about 1.34 billion.