Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Chapter 9 and 10 review

1)   What crop did settlers first grow in Brazil and what effect did it have on the makeup of the population? Sugar cane. It brought in many African slaves, killed off the native popilation. 

2)   How do Brazil’s rivers contribute to its wealth? People settled on the coast

3)   How large is Brazil’s economic power?

4)   What is Brazil’s religion and language? Brazil's language is Portugese and the religion is Roman Catholic.

5)   What have been some obstacles to democratic government in South America?

6)   What is South America’s greatest economic success story (other than Brazil)? Chile

7)   Who were the Inca?

8)   What major groups blended into the area of the Caribbean? Africans brought in from slave trade, Europeans, and Natives. 

9)   What are some major sources of income in the economies of Central America and the Caribbean? Tourism, exporting, coal and silver, gold, Hydroelectric power

10)                   What are some forms of music that have evolved in the region of the Caribbean? Reggae, Calypso, 

11)                   Why is the Panama Canal important?  How did it come into existence? Makes trade and transportation esier and faster. Allows for trade and exports. The US encouraged revolution and in turn Panama gave them permission to build a 10 mile wide canal. 

12)                   What is the largest city in Mexico?  In South America?  In the World? Mexico City over 20 million live there. San Paulo, largest city is tokyo

13)                   What is the most important part of Mexico’s economy today? Agriculture

14)                   How have the Andes Mountains affected settlement in South America? People had to settle along the east coast 

15)                   Why is the Amazon river important? It's a trade route, moves more water than the 7 largest rivers combined. 

16)                  What two countries does the Orinoco River drain? Venezuala and Columbia. 

17)                  What is the dominant vegetation of the Amazon river basin?
Mostly rainforest

18)                   What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of tourism to the South American community? Gives people jobs, but company owners don't live in south America so the money doesn't stay there. Land is destroyed to build more resorts. Pollution. Greater gap between rich and poor. 

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